
Interview technical assignment

Primary LanguageGo


Running as a docker image

To pull the image and run the server with docker:

docker run -p 8080:8080 gbandres/pack-and-go

Running from source

From the project root folder:

go mod download
go run ./app

The application also supports a few command line flags:

  • -ip: IP Address where the server should listen for requests (Defaults to "")
  • -port: Port where the server should listen for requests (Defaults to "8080")
  • -db_file: Path to the text file that contains the list of cities (Defaults to "./cities.txt")


The API endpoints have been slightly modified to support API versioning. New endpoints are:

Method Endpoint Description
GET /api/v1/trip List all trips
POST /api/v1/trip Add a new trip
GET /api/v1/trip/:id Get trip with ID :id

Original problem text

We are PackAndGo, a small bus company. We want to create a REST API that helps us manage the trips that we offer.


Your goal is to build a REST API with the following characteristics:

Method Endpoint Description
GET /trip List all trips
POST /trip Add a new trip
GET /trip/:id Get trip with ID :id

REST API Description

We would like the trips to be obtained in the following format:

    origin: "Barcelona",
    destination: "Seville",
    dates: "Mon Tue Wed Fri",
    price: 40.55

Whereas to add a trip, we would send the following:

    originId: 2,
    destinationId: 1,
    dates: "Sat Sun",
    price: 40.55

The trip ID should be added automatically. Each trip should have a unique trip ID.

The list of cities is in a text file, cities.txt, but perhaps we will change that in the future as our company grows. Right now, every line in the text file is a city. The first line corresponds to cityId=1, the second to cityId=2, etc.

General guidelines

We want you to build a REST API that works with our current needs, but that can be ready to change easily in the future, without having to rewrite the whole system or fearing that something will break. So please, try to make it as future-proof as possible.

Use the packages that you think are suitable for the job, as well as the architecture and code structure that makes most sense from your point of view. Feel free to move, split, etc. the provided files into the files and folders of your choice.

You can also challenge and change the proposed API structure if you feel it is necessary, as long as you give a reason why you have decided to do things in a different way.