To build : UNIX> cd <app>/mgr UNIX> ./build # Cocoa version on macOS, X11 on Linux, win32 on a Windows-10/cygwin, Windows-10/WSL. ( UNIX> ./build -v) macOS> ./build -x11 -bin_x11 # to build the X11 version. UNIX> ./build -offscreen -bin_offscreen # to build the pure offscreen version. (here UNIX is for Linux, macOS, Windows-10/cygwin, Windows-10/WSL) To build the WebAssembly (wasm) version : UNIX> <install the emscripten SDK (emsdk)> UNIX> <source setup the emsdk> UNIX> ./build -wasm -bin_wasm If the GNU parallel application is known from your prompt, you can use the "-parallel" option so that C and C++ file compilations are distributed on your cores. This feature had been tested with success on macOS with a MacPorts installation of the GNU parallel program and on centos7 by using the GNU distribution. Since good part of the code of our apps is pure header, it will not boost the "main" part of them, but it clearly boosts the build of the ourex externals, in particular if using some ourex/geant4<versio> one. At end, you should have a distribution file : bin_<config>/distrib/<app>-<version>-<platform>.zip To run : UNIX> cd <app>/mgr the offscreen version : UNIX> ./bin_offscreen/distrib/<app>/<version>/bin/<app> the OSX Cocoa version : macOS> open ./bin_sdk_mac/distrib/<app>/<version>/<app>.app the OSX X11 version : macOS> ./bin_x11/distrib/<app>/<version>/bin/<app> the Linux X11 version : Linux> ./bin_gnu/distrib/<app>/<version>/bin/<app> the Windows version : cygwin> ./bin_visual/distrib/<app>/<version>/bin/<app>.exe For the wasm version displaying within a web browser locally : UNIX> cd ./bin_wasm/distrib/<app>/<version> UNIX> <source setup the emsdk> UNIX> emrun --no_browser --hostname --port 8080 . and then open a page with into a web browser supporting WebAssembly and WebGL. See the <app> section on for more.