This is a repository to get started with solidity
Get Busy!
Click the link bellow to opone this repository on Gitpod.
How to
How to reproduce the initial "empty" state of this repo? You just need to follow these steps:
yarn init
fill in the info you'd like to have here
Now let's add the hardhat tool
yarn add --dev hardhat
Let's create a boilerplate hardhat project for TS, run:
npx hardhat
Add a very useful missing plugin on the boiler plate:
yarn add --dev hardhat-deploy
and add it to your hardhat.config.ts
import "hardhat-deploy"
You are going to notice that "deploy" option was added to the hardhat options.
Now you are good to go!
I encourage you to add these extensions to your .gitpod.yml
- dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
- NomicFoundation.hardhat-solidity