This product let you create a simple slideshow, using slick.
In each slider-pane you can define:
- An image
- HTML text
- A link
- Add
to your buildout configuration:
[instance] eggs += ftw.slider
- Run bin/buildout
- Install the generic import profile.
The ftw.contentpage
ListingBlock integration has been removed with the 3.0.0 release.
If you are at this point, please consider upgrading your ftw.contentpage
installation to ftw.simplelaoyut
With ftw.simpelayout
you can install ftw.sliderblock
to get the same feature set.
Runs with Plone 4.3 and 5.1.
If you want to display a slideshow on your content, just create a ftw.slider.Container and add some ftw.slider.Pane.
There is a viewlet which checks your content for a slider-container and displays its containing panes.
To ensure access4all you can use the settings canNext which is the option for en/disabling the slider button to move to the next image (when set true the button is shown, when false it is hidden), canPrev equivalent for the last image button and the arrowsOnHover option (when true only showing the buttons on hover, when false showing them always).
Other settings are autoplay (when true automatically sliding to the next image after set time) and autoplaySpeed (a number for the time to wait until sliding to the next image in milliseconds).
Those options are to be set in json format in the configuration textarea of the ftw.slider block like:
{"canNext":true, "canPrev":true, "arrowsOnHover":false}
In addition to the default slick-configuration options you can use the following ftw.slider specific custom options
Shuffles the slides on each page reload to display the slides in a random order.
{"random": true}
Using ftw.slider with default plone:
The slideshow is responsive (here OneGovBox as example):
- Github:
- Issues:
- Pypi:
- Continuous integration:
This package is copyright by 4teamwork.
is licensed under GNU General Public License, version 2.