Check out the online Doxygen documentation.
Guisan was forked from Guichan to create a simple GUI construction toolkit that is compatible with SDL 2.0.0+. It is primarily intended for use in games. If you need a full-fledged GUI toolkit, other libraries like GTK+ or Qt will be more appropriate.
It compiles and runs on Linux, Windows (MSYS2) and Windows (Visual Studio). Mac is not tested.
- Statically links to your applications to reduce runtime requirements
- Small, but effective
Check the wiki of this repo for a list of available widgets, some general advice on how to integrate into your programs. The examples and demo in the repo will be helpful too.
- scons
- pkg-config
- SDL 2.0+
- SDL2_image
- SDL2_ttf
- SDL2_mixer (for the demo)
Released under the BSD license. See COPYING for more details.