
MeetPy - a project of common and unified webpage for all polish python meetups

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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Meetpy website - this is a shared website along polish Python meetup groups.

For example:

Local install and setup

Manual installation on linux

Before the next step, be sure the following OS libraries are installed:

  • g++
  • libjpeg-dev
  • zlib-dev
  • python-dev

You can run provision-new-dev-env.sh on your dev environment – it will create everything necessary (using virtualenv) for basic development.


Alternatively you can use Docker and Docker Compose. They will setup a container with meetpy Django app (available at http://localhost:18000), a Postgres database with a PhpPgAdmin interface (available at http://localhost:8082) and a mock of SMTP service (available at http://localhost:8081).

For docker:

  • docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up
  • docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml exec meetpy python manage.py migrate


Tested on:

  • docker versions 18.09.7 and 19.03.2
  • docker-compose version 1.24.1

Consult https://docs.docker.com/install/ and https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/ for instructions how to install docker.

For more info read the provision-new-dev-env.sh, docker-compose-dev.yml or ask us on slack:

https://pykonik.slack.com/ or https://join-slack.pykonik.org/


  1. Make a fork of https://github.com/meetpy/meetpy
  2. Make changes in your fork (ideally on a feature/bugfix branch)
  3. Make sure your branch is based on latest upstream/master (git fetch upstream) (provision-new-dev-envirionment.sh adds meetpy/meetpy as upstream)
  4. Push your changes.
  5. Create a pull request to meetpy/meetpy, targeting master.

New group

  1. Copy meetpy.settings.group_constants.constants.default.yaml to meetpy.settings.group_constants.constants.<meetup_name>.yaml
  2. Fill in the data for your group.
  3. In case you need different templates, create templates/<group_name> directory and put any templates you'd like.
  4. Execute with MEETUP_NAME=<group_name> command