Nifty prompt for searching strings.
"Let the hunt begin... and end quickly!"
- small/fast/low-dependency (ncurses)
- searching is case-insensitive
- tab-completion of strings/searching
- arrow-up/down, Tab/Shift-Tab, or Shift-J,K to scroll through results
- results displayed as !:
- resets current search
- strings from flat-file or stdin
- dumps choice to stdout or file
- ESC 2-times to cancel search with no selection
gcc main.c -lncurses -o artemis
./artemis -f demo.txt
Then try typing ge<return><return
./artemis -o output.txt "ashen benign caustic finite zodiac"
N.B. The word-list has to be both space-separated, and the last argument
- search the hits after tab-list (search matches)
- ansi color?
GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright © 2013 Greg Berenfield