
Docker container that builds OSv from source and recompiles all Capstan packages it has recipe for.

Primary LanguagePython

Capstan Packages

This repository contains Dockerfile for mikelangelo-project/capstan-packages Docker container that recompiles mike/osv-loader base image and all the Capstan packages (that are maintained by MIKELANGELO project) from scratch.

Quick usage

Fastest way is to pull container from DockerHub:

$ docker pull mikelangelo-project/capstan-packages

NOTE: At this time mikelangelo-project/capstan-packages is not uploaded to DockerHub yet due to active development. Instead you have to build it on your own (see section below). Building Docker container is a very simple task, but you have to wait quite some time.

Once having it on your machine, you can run it with:

$ mkdir ./result
$ docker run -it --volume="$PWD/result:/result" mikelangelo-project/capstan-packages

That's it! When container is done working result appears in ./result directory:

$ ls -l ./result
total 7412
drwxrwxrwx 9 root root    4096 jun  1 13:30 eu.mikelangelo-project.osv.bootstrap
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1284804 jun  1 13:30 eu.mikelangelo-project.osv.bootstrap.mpm
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root     137 jun  1 13:30 eu.mikelangelo-project.osv.bootstrap.yaml
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root     134 jun  1 13:30 index.yaml
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6291456 maj 31 14:21 osv-loader.qemu

Running container

When mikelangelo-project/capstan-packages container is run it builds and tests all recipes by default:

$ docker run -it --volume="$PWD/result:/result" mikelangelo-project/capstan-packages

You can, however, customize container behavior by setting following environment variables:

RECIPES eu.mikelangelo-project.osv.nfs builds only recipes listed (comma-separated), [] means empty list (don't use brackets for non-empty list)
SKIP_TESTS no do not run tests after building (tests are run by default)
SHARE_OSV_DIR yes should each recipe get its own copy of osv src dir (yes by default)
TEST_RECIPES eu.mikelangelo-project.osv.nfs test only recipes listed (comma-separated)
KEEP_RECIPES yes keep packages that are already in /result dir when mounted (yes by default)

To build only nfs package, for example, you can use following command:

$ docker run -it --volume="$PWD/result:/result" --env RECIPES=eu.mikelangelo-project.osv.nfs mikelangelo-project/capstan-packages

Building container

This section describes how to build mikelangelo-project/capstan-packages from scratch. Result will be Docker image in your local Docker repository.

Go ahead, clone our repository:

$ git clone git@github.com:mikelangelo-project/capstan-packages.git

To build the container execute:

$ cd capstan-packages
$ docker build -t mikelangelo-project/capstan-packages .

Building will take somewhat 10 minutes since it does many things:

  1. clone latest OSv repository master
  2. clone latest OSv Apps repository
  3. make whole OSv
  4. clone latest Capstan repository
  5. build Capstan binary

When building completes, you can verify that the Docker image is in your repository:

$ docker images | grep mikelangelo-project/capstan-packages
mikelangelo-project/capstan-packages   latest   bee017f1e55c   16 hours ago   2.82 GB

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