
Selection of wallpapers I`ve been collecting during time. Enjoy it!

gabo's collection of
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Some wallpapers I`ve been collecting during time. Enjoy it! (by the way there'll be a lot of purple)

🖼️ Wallpapers included

Styles of images varies from monochrome abstract images to fluid vivid color patterns. You can have an idea by checking their file names.

🏷️ File labelling

Every wallpaper filename has a set of labels that help describe what the image looks like. With that principle, you can group specific images styles by filtering their names.

Label Values Description
Concept abstract /object If it refers to any real object(s) or just abstract forms
Color Variation color / mono If it's colorful or monochromatic
Shading dark / middle/ light If the background fits more in a dark or light theme
Color purple/ blue/red ... What is the main color. Used for monochromatic images only
Identifier and its repetition pattern_1/fluid_1/fluid_2/text_1 ... A main word to describe the image. Followed by a number if it repeats from other images

ℹ️ Quick tip

By using sxiv to display the wallpaper directory, you can pipe the file selection to set your wallpaper in one command

sxiv -t -o $HOME/Pictures/wallpapers | xargs xwallpaper --stretch  #Or the wallpaper setter of your choice

To Do

  • dmenu launcher for different filters (tmenu)
  • cron daemon to change images periodically

💌 Credits

↗️ Check also

  • gbgabo/dotfiles: current dotfiles used in my system;
  • gbgabo/dwm: own fork of dwm, including many useful patches and own color theme;