NO on Measure G: Napa's Never-Ending Tax Hike

Project Overview

This project is a single-page website designed to inform Napa citizens about the negative implications of Measure G, a proposed 1% sales tax increase in Napa, California. The site provides arguments against the measure, key points of contention, and instructions for voters to submit their own arguments against Measure G.


The main purposes of this website are:

  1. To educate Napa voters about the potential drawbacks of Measure G
  2. To encourage citizens to vote NO on the measure
  3. To provide a downloadable, editable argument that citizens can use to submit their own opposition to the measure
  4. To offer a platform for sharing information about Measure G


  • Responsive design for various screen sizes
  • Audio narration of the main argument (with play/pause functionality)
  • Downloadable RTF file of the argument for easy editing and submission
  • Printable version of the argument
  • Countdown timer to the voting deadline
  • FAQ section for quick information
  • Share functionality for easy distribution of the page
  • Analytics tracking using Vercel Analytics

File Structure

  • index.html: The main HTML file containing the structure of the web page
  • style.css: CSS file for styling the web page
  • script.js: JavaScript file handling interactive elements and dynamic content
  • nomeasureg.mp3: Audio file for narration (not included in the repository)

Technical Details

HTML (index.html)

The HTML file is structured with semantic tags and includes:

  • A header with the main title and subtitle
  • A key points section
  • The main argument against Measure G
  • Download and print buttons
  • An FAQ section
  • Links to official resources
  • Instructions for submitting arguments

CSS (style.css)

The CSS file provides styles for:

  • Overall layout and responsiveness
  • Color scheme and typography
  • Interactive elements (buttons, links)
  • Print-specific styles for the printable version

JavaScript (script.js)

The JavaScript file handles:

  • Share functionality
  • Audio playback control
  • RTF file generation and download
  • Print functionality
  • Countdown timer logic

Setup and Deployment

This project is designed to be deployed on Vercel, taking advantage of their analytics capabilities. To set up:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Ensure you have a nomeasureg.mp3 file in the root directory for audio narration
  3. Deploy to Vercel using their standard deployment process


The project uses Vercel Analytics for tracking page views and user interactions. The necessary scripts are included in the index.html file.


MIT, do whatever you want with it.