
This repository manages the "build and push" GitHub Actions for all the services in CADS project. This GitOps part is an important component of the whole CI/CD pipeline that includes also FluxCD configuration on cads-deployment.

When developing please install pre-commit hooks with:

pre-commit install

CI/CD Workflow

CopDS CI_CD drawio

The current pipeline is designed in order to have the Continuous Deployment part fully automated. At the moment, the Integration part remains manual to grant the developers more control on releases.

FluxCD automated Deployment

As described here FluxCD automatically reconcile what's present in a source with the status of a Kubernetes cluster. In this pipeline this tool has two scopes: with two dedicated configurations, Flux is able to keep updated each service inside the cds2-dev namespace and deploy on cds2-test only the tagged images. This setting allow us to have a continuously-deployed dev environment with the last changes on the code of all repositories and have a production environment (cds2-test) updated only with images that match with a specific tag (release versioning).

Integration tests

To verify the proper functioning of the code deployed on a specific namespace the user(developer) could run manually the integration tests from the cads-api-client repo. The integration tests check all the services and api exposed.

Build and Push

Once that the developer is satisfied with all the changes the Build all images could be triggered manually. During this step is possible to specify the tag to use for the build. This will automatically trigger the "build and push" workflow of each CADS service that build the image with the GitHub BuildX provided engine and push the builded image on the Harbor private registry with a tag. During the manual triggering step is possible to specify the tag to use for the build.

Tag release commit

Once that all the images are builded and stored on the private registry the next step is to change the Kustomize definition files specifying the tag of the version for the images used into cds2-test namespace. This will trigger the deploy on that namespace with the new images selected.

Release pipeline example

At the end of a Work Package cycle we want to release the version 2023.02.0 of the CADS portal.

  1. All the developers merges their working branches on main of each service repo. This will trigger Flux.

  2. FluxCD configuration updates cds2-dev namespace inside the Kubernetes cluster with all the changes.

  3. Run the integration tests as described from the cads-api-client repo

     cd <YOUR_PATH>/cads-api-client
     conda activate DEVELOP
     CADS_API_URL= make integration-tests

    If somehow anything is broken or some of the tests have FAILED status you can safely check it, fix and commit changes on the related repo

  4. Now that all the test have PASSED status and everything works as expected, we can manually trigger the GitHub Action Build all images on this repo from the Action panel. I specify that the tag will be 2023-02.0


    Wait until all the workflows are finished


  5. Wait until all the workflows are finished. Now from cads-deployment repo edit this file


    and change the newTag parameter for all the related services under the images list

         - name: cads-broker
         newName: my-private-registry/broker
         newTag: '2023-02.0'
         - name: catalogue-api
         newName: my-private-registry/catalogue-api
         newTag: '2023-02.0'
         - name: cads-catalogue-manager

    Commit to trigger Flux Automated Deployment

  6. FluxCD configuration updates cds2-test namespace inside the Kubernetes cluster. All the components will be deployed using the selected image. Now you can set the version tag also in Flux configuration file.

    To do that edit this file


    and change the value for the ref parameter to 2023-02.0