
Boilerplate Package to develop a Node Mocha Chai Travis Semantic-Release Nyc Codecov Ghooks Apollo and Express Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Boilerplate Nomonichas Apollo and Express

travis build code coverage version downloads license

A working base setup in July 2019 using Nodejs, Mocha, Nyc, Istanbul, Chai, Semantic-Release, Travis-ci, Codecov.io, Apollo and Express

Note: About Travis and Codecov.io, if you are developing a private project, it may make sense to switch to other services like CircleCi and something to replace codecov.io if you are on a tight budget.


Create a repo on github.com / bitbucket.com and use that name in place of your-project-name. Clone this repo into your computer

$ git clone git@github.com:gbili/bp-nomonichas-apollo-express your-project-name
$ git remote remove origin
$ git remote add origin git@github.com:your-name/your-project-name

Then change the name.

vim package.json
:.,$s/bp-nomonichas-apollo-express/your-project-name/g <enter>
:.,$s/gbili/your-name/g <enter>

Adapt the code in src/ and test/

Then initialize and build

npm init
npm install
npm run build

Finally make commit and push changes

git commit -Am "feat: setup base project"
git push origin master