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Auth JWT

Use Json Web Tokens to authorize requests via Authorization: Bearer <your-token>


IMPORTANT: add the private key to your env, if you are using HS256 (default)

process.env.JWT_KEY_PRIVATE = 'mysecret key'

IMPORTANT: add the private plus public keys to your .env, if you are using RS256

process.env.JWT_KEY_PUBLIC = 'some generated public key'
process.env.JWT_KEY_PIRVATE = 'some generated private key'

IMPORTANT: if you are using RS256, you need to generate private public key pairs. If you are using mac it is done with the following command (in your project's root dir):

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -m PEM -f jwtRS256.key
# Don't add passphrase
openssl rsa -in jwtRS256.key -pubout -outform PEM -out jwtRS256.key.pub

Once the keys have been generated, you will need to .gitignore them. To do so, add a line to .gitignore with *RS256.key*.

You then need to add the private key to your .env file under the key: JWT_KEY_PRIVATE. Since the key is in multiple lines in jwtRSA256.key, you will need to make it a single line by adding a \n at the end of each line, and then assembling the lines in a single line. With a vim macro you can achieve this easily:

  1. Copy the jwtRSA256.key key and paste it as is, at the end of your .env
  2. Then go to the first line of your key (where it says ------ BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY ------, this is part of the key do not remove it) and record this macro by typing qa$Jxi\n then ^C (ctrl+c), finally type q (dont move your cursor for next step).
  3. With the recorded macro under register a we simply type 100q@a and see the magic operate.

Header Authorization Token Extractor

If you are using apollo, you might want to insert the token authorization into context. This can be acheived like so:

import HeaderAuthTokenExtractor from 'jwt-authorized';
import templateStatusMessages from '../config/templateStatusMessages';

// some context that you want
const context = {
  authService: await serviceLocator.get('authService'),

  context: HeaderAuthTokenExtractor.getAsyncContextReqMethod(context)


First of all you need to load it somehow, either: Use di-why dependency injection

import { TokenAuthService, TokenUser, tokenConfigGenerator } from 'jwt-authorized';

export default {
  constructible: TokenAuthService,
  deps: {
    models: {
    tokenConfig: tokenConfigGenerator({ expireTokensEveryNHours: 1 }),
  locateDeps: {
    events : 'events',

Or alternatively do it manually:

import { TokenAuthService, TokenUser, tokenConfigGenerator } from 'jwt-authorized';
//import events from ...

const tokenAuthService = TokenAuthService({
  models: {
  tokenConfig: tokenConfigGenerator({ expireTokensEveryNHours: 1 }),

Once it is loaded, you can authorize requests from within apollo resolvers:

//within a resolver get the token from the context
const { token, tokenAuthService } = context;
const tokenPayload = tokenAuthService.verifyToken({token})
if (!tokenPayload) {
  throw new Errr('Hey you are not legit!');
// or
const { token, tokenAuthService } = context;
const tokenUser = tokenAuthService.authenticateTokenStrategy({token})