
Nodejs Simplest Setup

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Nodess (Node Simplest Setup)

This is a skeleton for developing Nodejs projects with:

  • testing (Mocha and Chai)
  • ES6 support (babel)
  • nodemon for automatic reloading



First off get it on your machine:

  1. clone the repo and replace my-project-name with yours:
    git clone git@github.com:gbili/nodess my-project-name
  2. cd my-project-name and edit package.json, mainly the "name": and author
    • Optionally and add your own dependencies
    • Update package-lock.json by init and accepting defaults:
      npm init
    • Install dependencies:
      npm install
    • Make sure everything works (following command should say 1 fail an 1 sucess:
      npm test
  3. change the git remote to point to your own repo (that you have created in advance):
    git remote remove origin
    git remote add origin git@github.com:myname/my-project-name
  4. commit and upload those inital changes
    git commit -am "build: change project purpose"


Start coding:

  • start the development server
    npm run develop
  • from there you can add your own files and strucutre in src/


  • Add your own tests in the ./tests/*, and run them with:
    npm test


  • Build your sourcecode to transpile ES6 into ES5:
    npm run build
  • Upload it to your server and serve it:
    npm run serve


Many thanks to these guys: