
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Primap: Private Members WeakMap

Use weakmaps to provide truly private properties to your classes.

This is a very succint implementation and abstraction


Import primap in your class definition module and start using it. The important step is to bind it to your object reference before setting any properties on _p():

Example: Guess the Exact Card

Here is an example with a simple card game where the player wins only if he guesses the secret random card. The player has only 3 chances.

// var _p = require('primap');
import _p from 'primap';

class ExactCardGame {
  constructor() {
    _p.bind(this); // important!

    this.deckOfCards = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14];

    const randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*12;
    // we want to privately hold the value of a card
    // so the player cannot cheat (set using property style)
    _p().secretCard = this.deckOfCards[randomNumber];

    // private number of remaining tries, (set using param style)
    _p('remainingTries', 3);
    // could also: _p().remainingTries = 3 (set using property style)


  makeAGuess(guessedCard) {
    if (_p().remainingTries-- <= 0) {
        console.log('Sorry mate, you already ' + ( _p().lastTry === _p().secretCard ? 'won' : 'lost'));
    if (_p().secretCard === guessedCard) {
      console.log('Hurray!!! You made it! Congrats!!');
    } else {
      console.log(`Nope, you have ${_p().remainingTries} more tries.`);
    // keep track of last try
    _p().lastTry = guessedCard;

  get remainingTries() {
    return _p().remainingTries;

// module.exports = ExactCardGame;
export default ExactCardGame;

Here is a sample usage:

// var ExactCardGame = require('./ExactCardGame');
import ExactCardGame from './ExactCardGame';

const game = new ExactCardGame();

game.makeAGuess(4); // "Nope, you have 2 more tries."
game.makeAGuess(12); // "Nope, you have 1 more tries."
game.makeAGuess(11); // "Hurray!!! You made it! Congrats!!"



import and bind: "node style"

var _p = require('primap');

"ES6 style":

import _p from 'primap'

Binding is mandatory:

const someObject = {}
_p().bind(someObject); //_p

Above we bound to an object, but the real benefits come from using _p() within a class module and binding this. So:

import _p from 'primap';
class MyClass {
  constructor() {


"property style":

_p().myPrivateProp = 'My private value';

"param style":

_p('myPrivateProp', 'My private value');


"property style":


"param style":
