Swiss Army Knifey

Tools you could have gotten somewhere else, but you still decided to go this way.

Ramda Compose With Promise

Added typings to composeWithPromise

  it('should await and return a composed result', async function() {
    const paramToProp = (param: string) => ({ param });
    const sleepingSentence = (s: number) => async ({ param }: { param: string }) => {
      const d1 = new Date();
      await sleep(s, TimeUnit.second);
      const d2 = new Date();
      return `a_[${param}], slept for: ${d2.getTime() - d1.getTime()}`;
    const toUp = async (param: string) => param.toUpperCase();
    const removeStart = async (param: string) => param.slice(1);
    const composed = composeWithPromise(
    return expect(composed('hey')).to.eventually.match(/_\[A_\[HEY\], SLEPT FOR: \d{4}\], slept for: \d{3,4}$/g);


Example 0

Very simple sleep:

import { sleep, TimeUnits } from 'swiss-army-kinfey';

(async function main() {

while (1) {
  await sleep(1000);
  console.log('Sleeping forever, in 1000 milliseconds invervals')

while (1) {
  await sleep(1, TimeUnit.hours);
  console.log('Sleeping forever, in 1 hour invervals')


The second while will never get executed, but you get the idea.

Need to call a function between sleep intervals ? Use sleepForCallback or its fixed unit equivalents:

  • sleepMillisecondsCallback
  • sleepSecondsCallback
  • sleepMinutesCallback
  • sleepHoursCallback
  • sleepDaysCallback

Example 1

import { sleepForCallback, TimeUnit } from 'swiss-army-knifey';

(async function main() {

  await sleepForCallback(TimeUnit.seconds)(6, (current: number, total: number, unit: TimeUnit) => {
    console.log(`Sleeping for ${total} ${unit}, but calling this on every step: ${current}${unit.substring(0,1)}`);


Output :

Sleeping for 6 seconds, but calling this on every step: 0s
Sleeping for 6 seconds, but calling this on every step: 1s
Sleeping for 6 seconds, but calling this on every step: 2s
Sleeping for 6 seconds, but calling this on every step: 3s
Sleeping for 6 seconds, but calling this on every step: 4s
Sleeping for 6 seconds, but calling this on every step: 5s

Example 2

Or equivalently :

import { sleepSecondsCallback, TimeUnit } from 'swiss-army-knifey';

(async function main() {

  await sleepSecondsCallback(6, (current: number, total: number, unit: TimeUnit) => {
    console.log(`Sleeping for ${total} ${unit}, but calling this on every step: ${current}${unit.substring(0,1)}`);


Produces the same output as above


Ever wondered if you could get rid of imperative for/while loops using arrays ?

import { getArrayRange } from 'swiss-army-knifey';
getArrayRange(-4, 5); // [-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
getArrayRange(0, 9); // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9]

Days Before

Need to move a date back in time by a number of days ?

import { daysBefore } from 'swiss-army-knifey';

const today = new Date(); // 2022-10-11T03:14:15
daysBefore(5, today); // 2022-10-6T03:14:15

Change log

important: since version 1.17.0 all node depending utilities are exported from file src/node.ts which possibly means.