
A reddit bot that uses plugins

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Reddit moderator bot

This project is a reddit bot that can monitor subreddits and trigger custom actions through plugins.

Actions supported by plugins are triggered when:

  • a post is submitted in a comment
  • a comment is submitted in a subreddit
  • at a given period of time

For reference, there are a multiple plugin examples in plugins/.

In order to start up the bot, a config file named 'reddit-bot.ini' needs to be created. Config file example:

# Set details about the bot owner - used for signing messages and
# forwarding messages received by the bot
owner = i_am_the_bot_owner_and_this_is_an_invalid_username

user_agent = user agent to be used by the bot
praw_config_section = PRAW config section to use for authenticating the bot

master_subreddit = subreddit where debug logs are posted
# This should not be changed since all the plugins are in plugins/
plugin_folders = plugins

# Set DB connection settings to psql
host = localhost
database = dbname
user = dbuser
password = dbpassword

# Add optional Discord webhook for each botlog() instance

Then, make sure that you install all the prerequisites listed in requirements.txt.

Finally, you can run python3 moderator-bot.py to start the bot.

How it works

  1. When starting up, the bot will log in using the given credentials.

  2. On each subreddit where the bot is a moderator, it will create a wiki page named control_panel. If your subreddit is called test123, then the page will be found at https://www.reddit.com/r/test123/wiki/control_panel

  3. In the control panel you can enable/disable plugins and check the plugin status.

  4. To enable a plugin you need to add it to the [Enabled Plugins] section, by copying and pasting the plugin name. Each plugin name is found in the bottom side of the page and contains a short description, a link to its configuration page and the current status for the subreddit (Enabled or Disabled).

  5. Once you have copied the plugin name to the [Enabled Plugins] section, save the page and wait until the Current Status line is set to Enabled. This should take about 5 to 10 minutes.

  6. To configure the newly enabled plugin, open the page referenced by the plugin, in the control_panel page. If the page did not exist before, the bot will create it with the basic configuration.