- 6
Maintenance status of this library
#49 opened by m-ober - 3
Should not store user details in the cookie
#21 opened by Smitsel - 0
- 0
Support for SameSite attribute
#45 opened by m-ober - 0
Cookie is not marked as Secure by default
#26 opened by willemstuursma - 2
Is using sha1() as hash good enough?
#22 opened by m-ober - 1
Logout when multiple request - possible bug ?
#27 opened by YannikFirre - 1
- 1
PHP Type Juggling vulnerability exists in plugin.
#29 opened by SecGus - 1
Minimum PHP version supported?
#23 opened by willemstuursma - 1
- 3
- 1
SHA1 function usage makes library DB dependent
#19 opened by RomeroMsk - 4
Setting the cookie domain and path
#13 opened by alexweissman - 3
What is the current stable version?
#17 opened by alexweissman - 3
- 2
Is this project "production-ready"?
#9 opened by alexweissman - 1
Advice to use shims for PHP < 5.5 maybe
#7 opened by dereuromark - 2
Hi, just asking and not an issue
#1 opened