
i18n helper

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm version

I18n helper for node, you can use it as a helper in jsx , handlebars , ejs or any other template engines .


npm install i18n-helper --save


var locale = 'en';
var langs = {
    en: {
        'greetings': 'Hello {1} !'
    zh: {
        'greetings': '你好 {1}!'

var i18n = require('i18n-helper')(langs[locale]);

console.log(i18n('greetings', 'Jack')); // => 'Hello Jack !'


i18n-helper exports a generator which returns an i18n helper.

You can pass multiply resources into this generator, the resources will be merged to one from right to left.

// global resource and module resource
var globalLangs = require('../i18n/en');
var moduleLangs = require('./i18n/en');

// the i18n helper generator
var i18nHelperGenerator = require('i18n-helper');

// create an i18n helper with the giving resources
var i18nHelper = i18nHelperGenerator(globalLangs, moduleLangs);

Find Key

The helper will try to find the matched key from the merged resource, if not found, the key itself is returned.

var i18n = i18nHelper({ key1: 'hello', key2: 'world' });

// => 'key'

You can override i18n.keyNotFound to apply your customized key not found handler ( >= 1.1.0 ).

var i18n = i18nHelper({ key1: 'hello', key2: 'world' });

i18n.keyNotFound = function(key) {
    return key + ' is not found';

// => 'key is not found'


If the value to the key is a template ( with a string like {1} ), then the arguments will be substituted into the template.

var i18n = i18nHelper({ greetings: 'Hello {1} ! Welcome to {2} .' });

console.log(i18n('greetings', 'Jack', 'China'));
// => 'Hello Jack ! Welcome to China .'

Change Log


  • support templating key #1.


  • add keyNotFound handler.
