
The oldest game in the world!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


One of the oldest games ever made

After studying this project in the online coding school Alura, I developed this game using Scratch and then I did everything over again but this time using Javascript in the library P5.js

This code won't work on VScode or others code-editors

It will only work on P5.js

You can see the code and even play a bit here: https://editor.p5js.org/gbmaes/sketches/qMifXywg6

Or you can just play the Scratch version (recommended if you just want to play it): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/722633263/

By the way the JavaScript version is multiplayer so you can play with your friends or family!

Player 1 commands: UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW;

Player 2 commands: W(up) and S(down);