
CLI tool for using github with PHP

Primary LanguagePHP

PHP github CLI tool

Build status

Service master develop
CI Status Status Status


This tool is meant to be used in by human and automation tools with PHP projects.


composer install gboddin/php-github-cli


The tool uses Github tokens to authenticate. They can be set in 3 ways :

  • Using the GITHUB_API_TOKEN environment variable
  • Global config file ( ~/.gitconfig )
  • Local config file ( ./.git/config )

The git config file should look as follow :



ghcli pr:comment octocat Hello-World 1 "Hello"
ghcli status:set octocat Hello-World 33375d5f193cfa8d0fe2998ec312c871639257bf -s success -c my/context -t http://www.google.com -d "You have created/updated a commit status my friend"
ghcli deploy:create octocat Hello-World -r 33375d5f193cfa8d0fe2998ec312c871639257bf -e Staging -d "Super deploy"
ghcli deploy:list octocat Hello-World
ghcli deploy:update octocat Hello-World 23079543 -s error -d "Failed it !"
ghcli branch:create octocat Hello-World -t depedency/2.3.78 -s master
ghcli ref:create octocat HelloWorld -r refs/heads/depedency/2.3.78 -s bdb276f3227a19e826d8d511cfd53639153e0a6a
ghcli file:update octocat HelloWorld build.properties.lock 'Updated to version 2.3.78' 'depedency.version = 2.3.78' 'depedency/2.3.78' -c
ghcli pr:create octocat HelloWorld -t "Minor upgrade 2.3.78" -s depedency/2.3.78  -b master -d "Minor upgrade depedency/2.3.78"
ghcli branch:protect octocat HelloWorld master -T qa-support -t qa-support

Current modules

ghcli version 0.2.8

  command [options] [arguments]

  -h, --help            Display this help message
  -q, --quiet           Do not output any message
  -V, --version         Display this application version
      --ansi            Force ANSI output
      --no-ansi         Disable ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction  Do not ask any interactive question
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose  Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

Available commands:
  help            Displays help for a command
  list            Lists commands
  branch:create   Create a branch from another branch
  branch:protect  Protect a branch
  deploy:create   Creates a deployment
  deploy:list     List deployments for a repo
  deploy:update   Creates a deployment status
  file:update     Updates a file
  pr:comment      Comment a pull request
  pr:create       Create a pull request
  ref:create      Create a branch from another ref
  status:set      Creates/updates a commit status