A PyTorch implementation of CyCADA

Primary LanguagePython


This is unofficial implementation of CyCADA: Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Domain Adaptation (ICML2018).


python >= 3.6
pytorch>= 1.0

Setup dataset

I prepare a download code of MNIST->USPS dataset and run below.

python prepare_mnist2usps.py

If you conduct experiments on your dataset, please put data on the path: ../data/[your dataset] and specify dataroot option in scripts/train_cycada.sh (default: dataroot=../data/mnist_USPS)

Dataset structure must be

- [your dataset]
    - trainA
    - trainB
    - testA
    - testB

Domain A is source and domain B is target,
but if specifying direction="BtoA" in scripts/train_cycada.sh, switch source and target.

Directory structure

  • data: preprocess data and set loaders
  • options: set options for train and test phase
  • results: contain test results
  • util: pack useful functions
  • checkpoints: save training processes
  • models: model implementation


Pretrained models contain in pretrain
If you pretrain a source classifier before adaptation, please specify pretrain=1.


If you conduct domain adaptation, please run below. All hyperparameters are packed.



This test code automatically searches unevaluated models in checkpoints.


Model architecture

Generator: resnet-based networks with two residual blocks
Discriminator: 4-layers
Classifier: Revised LeNet for 32x32 images


The result can be reproduced by using pretrained mnist, usps classifiers I set in pretrain.

Model Direction M-U
Source-only -> 91.68
Source-only <- 68.55
Cycada -> 96.0 (95.6)
Cycada <- 95.0 (96.5)
Target-only -> 97.15
Target-only <- 97.50

() denotes reference values in the cycada paper
