
Lightweight attentional GAN for unpaired image-to-image-translation.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


LaGAN's implementation is based on U-GAT-IT's official implementation.


Ensure unzip is installed

unzip is required to unzip datasets via the setup tool. On many UNIX systems, the dependency can be installed by executing apt-get install unzip.

The preferred way to install Python dependencies for this project is via pipenv, a tool for virtual environment and package management.

Install pipenv

There are multiple ways to set up pipenv, perhaps the easiest is pip install pipenv.

Preferred dependency installation

By executing pipenv install, a new virtual environment (for this project) will be created and dependencies will be installed.

Alternative dependency installation

Alternatively, it is possible to produce requirements.txt from the pipenv configuration by executing pipenv requirements > requirements.txt. This will produce requirements.txt. Then, we can install all dependencies using pip, pip install -r requirements.txt. However, installing in this way may not work, since some dependencies might be impossible to resolve given the currently installed dependencies in the environment where pip is executed.

Dataset preparation

For training to translate source to target domain, it is necessary to (re)organize the dataset to match the folder structure below. The suffix 'A' corresponds to the source domain, 'B' corresponds to the target domain.

├── dataset
       ├── trainA
           ├── xxx.jpg (name, format doesn't matter)
           ├── yyy.png
           └── ...
       ├── trainB
           ├── zzz.jpg
           ├── www.png
           └── ...
       ├── valA
           ├── uuu.jpg
           ├── iii.png
           └── ...
       ├── valB
           ├── ooo.jpg
           ├── jjj.png
           └── ...
       ├── testA
           ├── aaa.jpg 
           ├── bbb.png
           └── ...
       └── testB
           ├── ccc.jpg 
           ├── ddd.png
           └── ...

Assuming the datasets are set up in the uda code folder, it is possible to automatically (re)organize the dataset to match the structure above. The example below illustrated how this can be done. In the example below, we are translating healthy to rust from the source domain (Plant Village).

Firstly, navigate to the uda folder. By executing the following script, the dataset in lagan code folder is created, matching the expected format.

LAGAN_PATH='{path to lagan code}'

chmod +x scripts/datasets/setup_cycle_gan_dataset.py
PYTHONPATH=${PWD} ${PWD}/scripts/datasets/setup_apples.py --domains plant-village --img_size 286
PYTHONPATH=${PWD} ${PWD}/scripts/datasets/setup_cycle_gan_dataset.py --datasets-path $LAGAN_PATH/dataset \
                                                                     --dataset-name $DATASET \
                                                                     --source-train data/apples/plant-village/train/healthy \
                                                                     --source-val data/apples/plant-village/val/healthy \
                                                                     --source-test data/apples/plant-village/test/healthy \
                                                                     --target-train data/apples/plant-village/train/rust \
                                                                     --target-val  data/apples/plant-village/val/rust \
                                                                     --target-test data/apples/plant-village/test/rust


In general, to train the model we execute

python cli.py --phase train \
              --dataset $DATASET \
              --img_size 256 \
              --batch_size $BATCH_SIZE \
              --display_freq $DISPLAY_FREQ \
              --eval_freq $EVAL_FREQ \
              --save_freq $SAVE_FREQ \
              --iters $ITERS \
              --num_bottleneck_blocks $NUM_BOTTLENECK_BLOCKS \
              --nce_weight $NCE_WEIGHT \
              --nce_layers $NCE_LAYERS \
              --lr $LR \
              --iters $ITERS

The following concrete example is training default LaGAN to translate from healthy to rust, assuming Plant Village apples.





python cli.py --phase train \
              --dataset $DATASET \
              --img_size 256 \
              --batch_size $BATCH_SIZE \
              --display_freq $DISPLAY_FREQ \
              --eval_freq $EVAL_FREQ \
              --save_freq $SAVE_FREQ \
              --iters $ITERS \
              --num_bottleneck_blocks $NUM_BOTTLENECK_BLOCKS \
              --nce_weight $NCE_WEIGHT \
              --nce_layers $NCE_LAYERS \
              --lr $LR \
              --iters $ITERS

The code above is also provided in example_train.sh.

When training, the results folder will be created, containing training logs and checkpoints, grouped by $DATASET. The checkpoints are stored in ./results/$DATASET/model. The logs will include loss logs, learning rate scheduler logs and the image translations obtained during the training in various stages.

Dataset translation

To translate the dataset, it is necessary to specify the checkpoint, the number of bottleneck blocks and the layers from which patches are sampled. This is necessary to properly configure the model and load the appropriate checkpoint. The checkpoint $CKPT.pt must be present in ./results/$DATASET/model. To translate the entire source domain to the target domain, we execute

python cli.py --phase translate \
              --dataset $DATASET \
              --num_bottleneck_blocks $NUM_BOTTLENECK_BLOCKS \
              --nce_layers $NCE_LAYERS \
              --ckpt $CKPT.pt

The translations will be stored in ./translations/$DATASET.

The following concrete example is translating from healthy to rust, assuming Plant Village apples and default model configuration.


python cli.py --phase translate \
              --dataset $DATASET \
              --num_bottleneck_blocks $NUM_BOTTLENECK_BLOCKS \
              --nce_layers $NCE_LAYERS \
              --ckpt $CKPT.pt

Image Quality Evaluation

To evaluate image quality, we use torch-fidelity. For example, to compute the test FID, we execute

fidelity --gpu 0 --fid --input1 dataset/$DATASET/testB --input2 translations/$DATASET/$CKPT/test