Powershell scripts to backup Windows Server based on scripts written by Alexandre Augagneur ( http://www.alexwinner.com )
Currently two scripts are used :
one for system state of bare metal backup ( Backup-Task.ps1 ). It uses 7zip for compression
second was modified for daily backup of several folders
- backup using Windows backup functions
- can be used to backup complete server ( using system state / bare metal options ) or some folders
- synchronization with remote folder using robocopy
- multiple retention methods ( deletion broken )
- native zip compression
- FTP support ( alpha )
- Powershell 3
- .Net framework 4.5
Known problems
- for some reason Windows backup could failed on remote folder hosted by Linux
Command line example for scheduled task : %SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoProfile -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command E:\outils\Backup-Task-user-folders.ps1 -ConfigFile E:\outils\Backup-Task-user-folders.xml -Compress -Notify -Sync