
Django web application template that can be used to create a personal portfolio. Easily deployable to AWS Free Tier services with configurable scripts

Primary LanguagePython

Travis Build Status

A demo of the web app can be viewed at https://gbournique.com

Repository overview

This repository features of the following:

  • Django web application which can be used as a template for a personal portfolio
  • Environment set up steps with Conda, Poetry, and Makefile
  • Integration features with AWS S3 to serve application files and backup Postgres data
  • CI/CD pipeline with Travis CI and Ansible
  • Extensive instructions to deploy the containerized app on AWS Free Tier services


Portfolio App Overview

The web application is using Django for the backend, and the frontend is based on the Materialize CSS framework.

The portfolio app is a simple website that may be utilised to showcase any sort of items (articles, medias, etc.), conveniently grouped into categories. A User registration system is implemented so that users may receive notifications when new content is added to the website.

  • App Homepage

App Homepage

  • Select Category

Category cards

  • View Items


  • Items and Contact Us pages (Mobile view)

Items Items

  • Register and Login pages (Mobile view)

Items Items

  • Django admin page to manage website content (/admin) and django-tinymce widget to insert formatted text and media files

Django Admin page Add an Item from the Admin page

Repository Setup


Clone the repository and cd into the root directory:

git clone https://github.com/gbourniq/portfolio.git
cd portfolio

1. Creating the virtual environment

To make things easy, we have added this to the Makefile, so you can create the conda environment and install the dependencies by simply running:

source .dev.env
make env

Note: the environment can be rebuilt using the same command.

Activate the environment and source the dev environment variables:

conda activate portfolio
source .dev.env

2. Set up git hooks

A pre-commit package is used to manage git hooks. The hooks are defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml, and allows to automatically format the code with autoflake, isort and black. To set them up, run:

make pre-commit

Note: The code can be manually linted with make lint

3. Install Postgres

If it is not already installed, install Postgres. After installation, you may need to change some of the postgres configuration to open it up to allow connections from your services.

You can find the path to your postgres config files by running:

ps aux | grep 'postgres *-D'

4. Create portfoliodb database

Open a postgres shell as the root user:


In the psql shell execute the following commands:

CREATE USER portfoliodb PASSWORD 'portfoliodb';
CREATE DATABASE portfoliodb;
ALTER ROLE portfoliodb IN DATABASE portfoliodb SET search_path = portfoliodb,public;

5. Environment variables overview

Environment variables are defined in two files: deployment/.env and .dev.env.

deployment/.env contains variables required exclusively for deployment (prod build), and .dev.env adds variables "on top", used for used development and the ci/cd pipeline (dev build).

Note that sourcing .dev.env will automatically source deployment/.env, and run a validation script scripts/env_validation.sh.


For example, a warning message will be displayed if AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID/AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY are missing, while AWS_ENABLED is set to True.

Environment variables can be edited to customise the dev/uat/prod experience such as:

  • Running app with either baremetal django server or docker-compose services (postgres, redis, celery)
  • Building a custom app image and publishing to your online repository
  • Enabling AWS S3 to store and serve Django media/static files
  • Enabling AWS S3 to store artefacts such as Postgres dumps and docker deployment tarballs
  • Enabling Ansible to automated the deployment on AWS EC2

All environment variables are listed with a short description, in the Appendix.

Local Development

Running the server locally without external docker services

  1. If not already active, activate the portfolio conda environment:
conda activate portfolio
  1. Source environment variables for dev build:
cd portfolio/  # if not already at the root of the repository.
source .dev.env
cd app/

TIP: autoenv can be used to automate the activation of environments

  1. Create the django superuser required to access the /admin page:
python manage.py createsuperuser
  1. Apply Django model migrations:
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py makemigrations main
python manage.py migrate

Optional: See that main_category main main_item tables have been created with psql portfoliodb and \d.

  1. Run the Django server locally:
python manage.py runserver

Wipe local Postgres database

If you want to wipe the database for whatever reason, run:

dropdb portfoliodb
createdb portfolio

Alternatively, we have a script to recreate a fresh database, apply migrations and create a default Django admin superuser:

make recreatedb


Unit-tests and integration tests are run with pytest-django to cover the following:

  • Simulate requests and insert test data from HTTP-level request handling
  • Form validation and processing
  • Template rendering

There are ~90 tests which cover ~95% of the application code, which can be run with:

make tests

Note: The tests will require the app to read/write to a Postgres test database. Therefore tests can be run in two different ways:

  • Locally: cd app && pytest .
  • Inside containers, from the root directory, make tests


The application versioning is based on the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0: <major.minor.patch>. The version can be found in pyproject.toml and can be incremented with poetry version {bump rule}. Valid bump rules are:

  1. patch
  2. minor
  3. major
  4. prepatch
  5. preminor
  6. premajor
  7. prerelease

Build and publish Docker image

  1. Set the image name in deployment/.env:
export IMAGE_REPOSITORY=<your-image-name>
  1. To build the image, run the following command from the /portfolio root directory:
make image-latest

Note the app version can be used as the image tag with the make image-tagged command.

The make image-* commands will generate the portfolio.tar.gz tarball inside /bin:

├── app
│   ├── main
│   ├── manage.py
│   ├── portfolio
│   ├── static
│   └── static_settings.py
└── scripts
    ├── check_services_health.sh
    ├── env_validation.sh
    ├── postgres_dump_to_s3.sh
    ├── postgres_restore_from_s3.sh
    └── reset_local_db.sh

This tarball contains the application code mounted in the docker image.

The image can be published using either make publish-latest or make publish-tagged.


Web APIs have been developed using the Django REST framework.

  • Browse Category and Item model objects (ListAPIView):
  • Add new Category and Item model objects (CreateAPIView) :
  • Edit and delete existing Category and Item model objects (RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView):

Note: Adding and editing objects requires to be logged in.

Docker Deployment

Docker Services Architecture

The application is composed of the following docker containers:

  • Nginx as a reverse proxy (prod build only)
  • Django web server (dev/prod build)
  • Celery worker for asynchronous tasks (dev/prod build)
  • Redis as a message broker and caching (dev/prod build)
  • Postgres to store web server data (dev/prod build)

These services are defined in deployment/docker-deployment/*.docker-compose.yaml files.

Running the webserver with docker services (dev build)

To start the docker-services, run:

make up

This django webserver will be running at localhost:8080

Note: To run the application using docker, run export BUILD=prod in your terminal.

To check that all services are up and healthy, run:

make check-services-health

Postgres backup scripts can then be tested with the following command:

make postgres-backup-test

This will dump the Postgres data from the running container to S3, and restore the latest dump from S3.

For the above command to succeed, the following variables must be set:

  • AWS_ENABLE set to True

Note: Instructions to set AWS S3 can be found in the ec2 docker deployment guide

To stop and remove docker services, run:

make down

Build the docker deployment artefact

To easily deploy the application to a new instance, one can generate a compressed folder (.tar.gz) containing exclusively the deployment files:

├── deployment
│   ├── .env
│   ├── Makefile
│   └── docker-deployment
│       ├── app
│       │   ├── prod.startup_server.sh
│       │   └── startup_celery.sh
│       ├── nginx
│       │   ├── certs
│       │   │   ├── cert_chain.crt
│       │   │   └── www_gbournique_com.key
│       │   └── conf.d
│       │       └── nginx.conf
│       ├── postgres
│       │   ├── config
│       │   │   └── postgres.conf
│       │   └── docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
│       │       └── run_db_setup.sh
│       ├── redis
│       │   └── redis_healthcheck.sh
│       └── prod.docker-compose.yml
└── scripts
    ├── check_services_health.sh
    ├── env_validation.sh
    ├── postgres_dump_to_s3.sh
    └── postgres_restore_from_s3.sh

This compressed archive is referred as the docker deploy tarball, and can be generated by running:

make docker-deploy-tarball-custom

Note: The above command will also upload the tarball to S3, given that AWS credentials and S3 environment variables are configured.

Running the server with docker services (prod)

The production deployment adds the nginx service as a reverse proxy (prod build), and run the django webserver using gunicorn.

To test the production deployment locally, run the following commands from the deployment/:

cd deployment
source .env
make up

The prod build deployment will expose incoming traffic is managed by nginx (80/443).

Extensive instruction to deploy the app on AWS can be found in the documentation.

Note: Instructions to deploy the app on AWS can be found from the ec2 docker deployment guide

Kubernetes Deployment

The Kubernetes deployment of the application is managed via a Helm Chart portfolio-app.

Deployments can be easily configured via the deployment/kubernetes/portfolio-app/values.yaml file, for e.g, to increase the number of celery worker pods available across the Kubernetes cluster.

By default, the Portfolio app deployment consist of the following Pods:

  • Django webserver (x1)
  • Celery workers (x2)
  • Postgres (x1)
  • Redis (x1)


  • Install Minikube to run a single-node Kubernetes cluster on your machine
  • Install Kubectl to run commands against the Kubernetes cluster
  • Install the Helm package manager to deploy our application

Kubernetes commands

To easily manage our Kubernetes application via the portfolio-app Chart, the following make commands are available from the project root directory:

Examine the chart for possible issues, and verify that the chart is well-formed:

make helm-lint

Run Helm tests for a release to ensure the application works as expected:

make helm-test

Deploy a release of the chart:

make helm-deploy

Generate Kubernetes yaml files from the chart templates:

make helm-generate-k8s-files

CI-CD Pipeline

In order to faciliate testing, build, and deployment tasks, a CI/CD workflow has been implemented, and can be triggered on Travis CI.


Note: Any error such a linting error or failed tests will abort the pipeline.

CI Pipeline

The CI pipeline can triggered locally from the portfolio/ project root directory:

make run-ci-pipeline

This will run the following steps:

  1. Create (or re-create) the conda environment, and install app/dev dependencies from poetry.lock
  2. Lint application code with autoflake, isort and black
  3. Run unit-tests with pytest

CD Pipeline

Similarly, the CD pipeline can be manually triggered by running:

make run-cd-pipeline

This will run the following steps:

  1. Package application code into /bin/portfolio.tar.gz and build docker image
  2. Start docker services without nginx (dev build)
  3. Wait until all services are up and healthy
  4. Test postgres backup scripts (if S3 variables are configured): Dump and restore pgdata to/from S3
  5. Stop and remove docker services (dev build)
  6. Publish docker portfolio app image (latest) to the online repository
  7. Create docker deploy tarball, and upload to S3 (if S3 variables are configured)
  8. Run Ansible playbook for an automated prod build deployment on AWS EC2 (if RUN_ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK=True)


The final step of the CD pipeline is an Ansible playbook to ensure a smooth deployment to fresh EC2 instances. More details on the playbook can be found in the Ansible playbook documentation.


A Travis CI free account can configured to trigger the CI/CD pipeline on every push to a Github repository.

The Travis CI build configuration file .travis.yml defines the following steps:

  1. Install Docker / docker-compose
  2. Install Miniconda
  3. Install dependencies: make, sshpass
  4. Run CI/CD pipeline with make run-ci-cd-pipeline

Note that the following environment variables must be set in the Travis CI settings at https://travis-ci.com. image

Appendix: Environment variables

Secret Environment variables:

The following sensitive variables must be defined on host (locally in your ~/.bash_profile, and on Travis CI):

Name Description
ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD Passphrase used to encrypt/decrypt secret variables (see /ansible/README.md)
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID Programmatic access for AWS EC2 and S3 (see ec2_deployment_guide.html)
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Programmatic access for AWS EC2 and S3 (see ec2_deployment_guide.html)
DOCKER_USER Docker username to publish and pull portfolio app image
DOCKER_PASSWORD Docker password to publish and pull portfolio app image
EMAIL_HOST_USER Email addr. for web admin to receive user messages and notifications (Opt.)
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD Email address password (Optional)

Environment variables for deployment (prod build)

Main variables in deployment/.env:

  • Secret variables that must be defined on host
  • Django settings for prod build
  • AWS variables to use Postgres backup scripts and serve django static/media files with S3
  • Docker variables for publishing/pulling app image
Name Description
AWS_ENABLED Must be set to False if AWS S3 is not used
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION Region associated with the S3 bucket. eg. eu-west-2
AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME S3 bucket storing PG backups, django files, and docker deploy tarballs
BUILD Used by deployment scripts and ci-cd pipeline. Must be set to prod
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE Path to Django settings module. prod -> portfolio.settings.docker_settings
IMAGE_REPOSITORY Docker repository for the portfolio app image
POSTGRES_* Variables for Django app container to connect to Postgres container
REDIS_* Variables for Django app container to connect to the Redis container
SECRET_KEY For a particular Django installation to provide cryptographic signing

Environment variables for development (dev build)

Main variables in .dev.env:

  • Secret variables that must be defined on host
  • General settings
  • Django settings for dev build
  • AWS S3 variables to upload docker deployment tarball
  • Ansible variables (Not used if RUN_ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK=False)
Name Description
ANSIBLE_INSTANCE_ID To start and stop AWS EC2 instance
ANSIBLE_HOST_IP Used in Ansible inventories to specify ansible_host
ANSIBLE_HOST_NAME Used by docker-compose up role to check if app returns 200
ANSIBLE_HOST_PUBLIC_DNS To start and stop AWS EC2 instance
BUILD Used by deployment scripts and ci-cd pipeline. Must be set to dev
CONDA_ENV_NAME Name of the conda environment. portfolio is the default name
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE Path to Django settings module. dev -> portfolio.settings.local_settings
DOCKER_DEPLOY_FOLDER Folder in AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME to store docker deploy tarballs
PORTFOLIO_ROOT_DIR For ansible roles to navigate on the remote and run commands
QA_INSTANCE_TIME_MINUTES Number of minutes the app should be running before the instance is shut down
RUN_ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK Set to False to skip the Ansible playbook in the CD pipeline
S3_DOCKER_DEPLOY_CD_PIPELINE Basename of docker deployment tarball used by ci/cd pipeline and Ansible
S3_DOCKER_DEPLOY_CUSTOM Basename of docker deployment tarball used by user to manually deploy app
SLACK_TOKEN Token for Ansible to connect to the slack app (Optional)
SSL_*_S3_OBJECT_PATH S3 paths for SSL private key and certificate (required for nginx)
SSL_*_HOST_PATH EC2 host path where SSL private key and certificate are located