
A library that allow you tu use handlebar template to generate HTML inside a wrapper for nestjs.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


npm install @gboutte/nestjs-hbs


  imports: [
      templateDirectory: 'templates',
      compileOptions: {},
      templateOptions: {},
  controllers: [],
  providers: [],
export class AppModule {}
templateDirectory This will define the folder where the templates files are located
compileOptions The templates options can be found on: https://handlebarsjs.com/api-reference/runtime-options.html#options-to-control-prototype-access
templateOptions The compile options can be found on https://handlebarsjs.com/api-reference/compilation.html#handlebars-compile-template-options
helpers An array of helpers to add in handlebars, each helpers has a property name and fn


You can use the HandlebarsService, there is currently two methods

Description Parameters
renderFile This will render a handlebars template (located in the template folder previously defined), and will return the rendered string. - file: the template file to render
- parameters: an array of parameters that will be user inside the template
render This will render a template string using handlebars - html: the template
- parameters: an array of parameters that will be user inside the templatestring
Here is an example
export class AppController {
  constructor(private readonly hbsService: HandlebarsService) {}

  async getTest() {
    return this.hbs.renderFile('hello.hbs', { name: 'John Doe'});