NancyFX on .NET Core demo application



Install .NET Core 2

PS> dotnet restore

CentOS 7

$ yum install centos-release-dotnet
$ yum install rh-dotnet20
$ scl enable rh-dotnet20 bash
$ dotnet restore


Development (Windows/Linux)

$ dotnet run
Hosting environment: Production
Content root path: /workspace/src/
Now listening on: http://localhost:5000
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.

OpenShift (Minishift)

You need the .NET Core runtime and S2i builder images. These are available after importing the following imagestream defintions:

$ oc create --namespace openshift -f

On Minishift this is possible after applying the dotnet add-on

$ minishift addons apply dotnet

After this is done, you can easily deploy this application:

$ oc new-app --name=nancydemo dotnet:2.0~
$ oc expose services nancydemo

After which the service is exposed on a route. To open:

$ oc get route nancydemo

eg. opening results in:

Hello World, it's Nancy on .NET Core