Food Truck Project


This program simulates an app for rating food trucks.

The Food Truck App will greet the user and ask the user to choose an amount of food trucks to rate. The user will input a number between one and five.

The food truck will then ask about the food truck's details such as the name, food type, and user rating. If the user types 'QUIT' as the truck name, the app will quit.

The app will then ask the user if they would like to view all food trucks, see the average truck rating, see the highest rated truck, or exit the program.

If the user chooses an option that is not listed, the app will display an error message.

Technologies used

Arrays Conditionals Java Loops Scanner String builder Switches

How to run:

User will enter amount of trucks to be rated.

User will input truck info.

User will select a looped menu option.

User will exit the app when ready.

Lessons learned

I learned how to create different classes within the same package and how to call one class from another.

I also learned how to use a string builder to create a more coherent string from user input.

The most important lesson I learned was how to use arrays. The Food Truck Rater App's use of arrays was an effective tool for learning where and how to place arrays in a Java program.