
Documentation generator for SFDC apex code

Primary LanguagePython


Author: Sahil Grover

Date: 2013-02-13

An apex code documentation generator for Salesforce



Generate static HTML files from Salesforce project classes.


python sfdoc.py [-OPTIONS] <source_directory> <target_directory>

The source directory should be the "classes" directory, and the target directory is the location where the static HTML files will be created.


  • -p, --pattern

    Unix style pattern to specifiy which classes to pull from the directory using a pattern (e.g. MyPrefix*.cls) (default: *.cls)

  • -tp, --testpattern

    Unix style pattern to specifiy which classes are tests and should be ignored (default: *Test.cls)

  • -n, --name

    The title of the project that will appear at the top of each page.

  • -s, --scope

    The lowest method scope to document (public, protected, private).

  • -v, --verbose

    Verbosity level for console output (0=none, 1=class, 2=method, 3=param).


  • -h, --help

    Show help.

  • -r, --regex

    Use if specified patterns are regular expressions.

  • --noindex

    Do not create index.html file with class list.

  • --noproperties

    Do not show class properties.

  • --nomethodlist

    Do not show the method list sidebar.

  • --test

    Do not write output directory or any files, just test generator (useful if combined with verbose).

Comment Header Templates

Class Header Template

Class Description

@author author name1 <author_email1>
@author author name2 <author_email2>
@since	yyyy-mm-dd

Method Header Template

Method Description

@param	param_name1	param description1
@param	param_name2	param description2

@return	return description