
Telegram bot to reserve BBQ at Innopolis.

Primary LanguagePython


The BBQ Reservation is a bot to replace the current system which is just a google form, which allows anyone to make modification to the spread sheet. The bot allows to avoid conflict or some else delete your reservation. The bot has this features:

  1. Create reservation.
  2. Cancel reservation.
  3. View reservation.
  4. Subcribe to waitinglist if the day and time you were planning to book has already been booked.
  5. Notification : For example when you have subscribed to waiting list and the day and time is free you will be notify and you can book.

How to install


  • git module
  • Python 3.5 or higher
  • Python virtual environment module venv


  1. Open terminal (or command line on Windows) and clone the repository git clone https://github.com/gbrigens/BBQReserver.git
  2. Open the src directory cd src
  3. Create python virtual environment using venv module to install dependencies python3 -m venv env
  4. Activate virtual environment On Linux: source env/bin/activate On Windows: env/scripts/activate.bat
  5. Install dependencies on requirements file pip install -r requirements
  6. run bot python app.py
  7. Find this bot to test it: @testthisagain_bot
  8. If you cannot run the bot locally, you can test the bot already running: @InnoBBQbot

How to test

All tests are in /src/tests directory, to run the tests check test readme file

Short Video of how it works

Screenshots of the bot

Start screen

Welcome screen

Reserve and choose month screen

Choose day screen

Choose time screen

Success screen

View reservation screen

Cancel screen

Cancel success screen

Subscribe to waitinglist

Notification of canceled date of intrest

Notification reminder