
Group Project Durham University

Primary LanguageJava


Group Project Durham University

Java source files go in


Resources that will ship with the app go in


Making an andriod UI

Each different screen in our app is going to be created using the ViewGroup classes in the android API. The minimum SDK requirement is API 10, this means that we are restricted to using the Layout classes (LinearLayout, RelativeLayout etc.). It is up to you to decide how to apropriately create the design, however to keep the design consistant you need to follow Harrys style guide. This guide will give some abosolute and realtive margin sizes for you to follow but you should design your view so that these things are easily changable (I recomend setting constants for these values at the top of your code). Likewise a number of methods will be avaliable from myself (Ben) to help out. These methods will provide you with all the images and text that you will need to add to your views. You will find these methods in a class called JsonInterface in the Json folder, i intend to write some doc strings to go along side this to helo you use it.


If you have an issue with other peoples work (you have found a bug or need a new method in the interface for example) then you should create a bug report or a merge request with your addition in it, the owner of that code will then review the changes and approve or act upon them.

The advantages of using github is that it gives us a fantastic version control abilites, the capactiy to check each others work and the ability to simultaniously work on the same code. If you find yourself in a position where you ahve broken something or messed up NEVER delete or replace things hosted on the GitHub server, this can destroy other peoples work, you will have to repair it yourself, good peer reviewing can help you prevent this from happening. Similary learn how to use github, don't commit things to the master branch, be careful when solving conflicts etc.

http://rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/ You may find this guide helps with learing git from the commandline. You can also use the GUI if you can work out how to perform all the appropriate commands.