
Set of YAPL program examples for compilers construction course

Primary LanguageCool


Set of YAPL program examples for compilers construction course

For students

Add your common YAPL examples here, use a Fork and git flow or a similar approach and a Pull Request to ask an approval to merge your changes.

Examples portrayed here will be used to evaluate your project.

Creen sus ejemplos en este repo.



arith.cl is a file written in the COOL language. Its primary purpose is to demonstrate and validate the implementation of basic arithmetic operations and logical flows for compiler development.


  • Classes that encapsulate specific arithmetic operations and behaviors.
  • Methods implementing operations such as:
    • Addition
    • Subtraction
    • Multiplication
    • Division
    • Negation
  • Estructuras de control lógico, incluyendo:
    • Conditional statements (if, then, else, fi)
    • Loops (while, loop, pool)