
ArcGIS-R demos

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


The making of an R API to interface with ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise.


  1. Why not? We should have some sort of API for every serious data science language. That includes R.
  2. DataFrames. In R, everything is a dataframe. It makes data exploration very intuitive.
  3. There's already a ton there.

Getting started

Install the package

  1. Download and install the package from GitHub: devtools::install_github("EsriPS/aRcgis",ref="main", auth_token = "yourpersonalauthtoken")
  2. Import package package: library(arcgis)
  3. Import the R sp package: library(sp)

Create a connection to ArcGIS Online

  1. Create a GIS Onbject from your portal URL, username, and password. This object will keep your credentials and session token.
gis <- new("GIS",
           username = "gbrunner_LearnGIS",
           password = "Password")
  1. Log into ArcGIS Online
gis <- login(gis)

Search for content

  1. Define a serch term, for example: search_term <- "owner:gbrunner_LearnGIS AND NJ AND type:feature service"
  2. Use the search_gis function to search for items: items <- search_gis(gis, search_term)
  3. Print out the results: print(head(items$results))

Get service properties

  1. From the items dataframe, pass the first result to the get_service function: service <- get_service(gis,items$results[1,])
  2. Print out the results: print(service)

Feature service as a dataframe

  1. Use get_sdf to turn the feature layer into a spatial dataframes: pdf <- get_sdf(gis, items$results[1,], 0)
  2. Print out the results: print(head(spdf))

Plot the results

  1. Plot the polygons using plot(spdf).
  2. Plot the polygons symbolized by the "TOTPOP_CY" attribute using spplot(spdf, 'TOTPOP_CY')

Add results to Leaflet map in RStudio

  1. Import the leaflet library: library(leaflet).
  2. Create a map and add the layer:
pal <- colorNumeric("viridis", NULL)
leaflet(spdf) %>%
     addProviderTiles(providers$Esri.WorldStreetMap) %>%
     addPolygons(stroke = FALSE, smoothFactor = 0.3, fillOpacity = 1,
                 fillColor = ~pal(log10(TOTPOP_CY)),
                 label = ~paste0(TOTPOP_CY, ": ", formatC(TOTPOP_CY, big.mark = ",")))