Flight booking API

Clone the repo

on your terminal cd into the directory where you clone the repo

the cd into src

npm run dev

it runing on port 9000

File Structure

The project's file structure is organized as follows:

Src folder

App.js: Main application file

Service/: Interacting with the database

Routes/: Express route definitions

Controllers/: Controller functions for routes (Business logic)

Models/: User, Booking, Flight, Payment models

Middleware/: Middleware for error handling like PageNotFound And other Errors

Errors/: Error handling for BadRequest, conflict, NotFound, unautorized,

Utils/: Utility functions, e.g., Password check, password hashing

Env/: Environment variables JWT_COOKIE=value JWT_SECRET=value

Package.json: Project dependencies

Package-lock.json: Dependency lock file

test file:::: load-test.yml to run test

artillery run load-test.yml