
Command Line Applications to process JSKOS data format

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JSKOS Command Line Interface

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Command Line Applications to process JSKOS data format.

This repository contains command client applications for working with the JSKOS data format for knowledge organization systems. The applications are basically wrappers around jskos-validate and jskos-tools.

Table of Contents


Install globally to provide commands jskos-validate and jskos-convert:

npm install -g jskos-cli



Validate a set of ndjson files in JSKOS format.

Usage: jskos-validate [options] [type] files...

  -V, --version  output the version number
  -q, --quiet    suppress status messages
  --list-types   list JSKOS object types
  -v, --verbose  show error messages
  -u, --unknown  allow unknown fields
  -h, --help     output usage information

  $ jskos-validate -v concepts concepts.ndjson
  $ jskos-validate -u mappings mappings.ndjson
  $ jskos-validate schemes.ndjson concepts.ndjson

Validation result is emitted in TAP format. Errors are reported as diagnostic lines with record number. If JSKOS is read from standard input, only invalid records are reported. Exit code is the number of errors (up to 100).


Convert between JSKOS and other formats (by now only CSV and RDF/N-Triples).

Usage: jskos-convert [options] [type] [files...]

  -V, --version                          output the version number
  -q, --quiet                            suppress status messages
  --list-types                           list JSKOS object types
  -f, --from <format>                    input format (ndjson or csv)
  -t, --to <format>                      output format (ndjson, csv, nt)
  -c, --clean                            cleanup input data
  -v, --validate                         validate and omit invalid records
  -l, --language <lang>                  include labels (use '-' for any language)
  -r, --registry <file>                  registry file with schemes, types... to look up
  -s, --scheme <uri|notation|file>       concept scheme to convert concepts or mappings
  -d, --destination <uri|notation|file>  target scheme to convert mappings
  -p, --partof <uri>                     concordance URI
  -m, --marktop                          explicitly mark concepts without broader as top concepts
  --creator <uri and/or name>            add creator to mappings
  -h, --help                             display help for command

  $ jskos-convert mappings -t csv mappings.ndjson
  $ jskos-convert concepts -r registry.json -s example http://example.org/jskos.csv

Concepts in CSV format can be specified with:

  • notation to build URIs from
  • prefLabel and scopeNote (if a language is specified)
  • prefLabel@xx and scopeNote@xx with explicit language code(s) xx
  • level and/or broaderNotation for hierarchies. CSV output uses broaderNotation.

Multi-hierarchies are not supported when converting from and/or to CSV.

Mappings in CSV format can be specified with:

  • fromNotation
  • fromLabel (if a language is specified, ignored when converting from CSV)
  • toNotation
  • toLabel (if a language is specified, ignored when converting from CSV)
  • type
  • creator (URI and/or name, separated by a space, in that order; e.g: "https://github.com/stefandesu Stefan Peters")

1-to-n mappings are not supported yet.



Contributions are welcome! See CONTRIBUTING.md for details!


MIT (c) 2020 Verbundzentrale des GBV (VZG)