
HTTP proxy to serve JSKOS objects

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


License Test standard-readme compliant

Serve JSKOS objects in multiple formats over HTTP, in particular HTML and RDF

This web service can be put in front of JSKOS data sources to provide RDF serializations and browseable HTML display at a common base URL.

Table of Contents


Clone from git repository.

git clone https://github.com/gbv/jskos-proxy.git
cd jskos-proxy
npm ci

To deploy with PM2 copy ecosystem.example.json to ecosystem.config.json.


Create a local file .env with the following keys:

  • PORT - which port to run the service on (default: 3555)
  • NAMESPACE - URI namespace of all objects served via this proxy. Must end with a slash (default: http://example.org/)
  • BACKEND - JSKOS API base URL or local NDJSON file
  • TITLE - Title of the service (default JSKOS Proxy)

For instance:



For production the application should be put behind a reverse HTTP proxy, e.g.

# Apache
ProxyPass /terminology/ http://localhost:3555/terminology/
ProxyPassReverse /terminology/ http://localhost:3555/terminology/

# Nginx
location /terminology/ {
    proxy_pass http://localhost:3555/terminology/;


Compile client-side JavaScript

npm run build


See configuration above.

Run Server

# Development server with hot reload:
npm run start

# run the server in production (less verbose logging):
NODE_ENV=production node ./server.js


The proxy translates a HTTP requests to an URIs queries this URI in the backend, and returns the result in HTML or a requested RDF serialization format. The format is determined based on query parameter format (if given) or HTTP Accept header (otherwise). The following formats are supported:

  • HTML (with embedded JSON-LD)
  • JSON-LD (format json, jskos or jsonld)
  • NTriples (format nt or ntriples)
  • Turtle (format ttl or turtle)
  • RDF/XML (format rdfxml or xml)

In addition format debug will return JSON data that is used internally to create the HTML format.



MIT © 2023- Verbundzentrale des GBV (VZG)