
Specification of Simple Service Status Ontology (SSSO)

This repository contains the specification of Simple Service Status Ontology (SSSO).

The URI of this ontology is http://purl.org/ontology/ssso and it's URI namespace is http://purl.org/ontology/ssso#.

See http://gbv.github.io/ssso for a full documentation. RDF serializations are available at http://gbv.github.io/ssso/ssso.ttl and http://gbv.github.io/ssso/ssso.owl.

Feedback is welcome!


The following diagram illustrates the classes and properties definied in this ontology:

    nextService / previousService
              |      |
              v      v
       |    ServiceEvent    |
       |                    |
       |   ReservedService  |
       |   PreparedService  |
       |   ProvidedService  |
       |   ExecutedService  |
       |   RejectedService  |
       |                    |
       | ServiceFulfillment |
             |      ^
             |      |
dcterms:hasPart / dcterms:partOf