
JSKOS Concept Occurrences Provider implementation

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Subjects API

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API to provide information about subject indexing in the K10plus catalog

This API can be used to query how a concept or combination of concepts is used in records of a database. This basically includes: which concepts a record is index with (subjects), which records have been indexed with a concept (records), the number of records indexed with a concept and/or a deep link into a catalog to get these records (occurrences, links), and which concepts are used together with other concepts (co-occurrences).

Table of Contents


Requires Node.js v18 or newer.

git clone https://github.com/gbv/subjects-api.git
cd subjects-api
npm i


Optionally create a configuration file .env to change certain config options. Here are the default values:


All vocabularies included in K10Plus Subjects are preconfigured via vocabularies.json.

Then full the backend database (SQLite by default) with subject indexing data from K10plus catalog. The script ./bin/import.js can be used to do so (not documented yet).



Requires to start the application once to create SQLite database file under subjects.db. Then download data from https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7016625 (given as tabulator separated file table with columns PPN, vocabulary key, and notation) and import into SQLite file:

URL=$(curl -sL "https://zenodo.org/api/records/7016625" | jq -r '.files[]|select(.key|endswith(".tsv.gz"))|.links.self')
curl -sL $URL | zcat | sqlite3 subjects.db -cmd ".mode tabs" ".import /dev/stdin subjects"

SPARQL (experimental)

Requires a SPARQL-Endpoint, including SPARQL Update and SPARQL Graph Store Protocol for write access. Only tested with Apache Jena Fuseki.

GRAPH=https://uri.gbv.de/graph/kxp-subjects     # optional

PostgreSQL (experimental)

Requires PostgreSQL database. It turned out performance of SQLite is better, for this reasons this backend is not developed further.

SRU (not implemented yet)

Requires a SRU-API to query from so live data can be returned.


npm run start

Some backends allow to import data from a headerless TSV file with three columns for PPN, vocabulary id (VOC), and notation:

npm run import -- subjects.tsv

Option --full replaces the existing backend data, otherwise the data is added to existing subjects data. Option --modified can be used to set the modification date (timestamp of file by default).


Requires DATABASE set to URL of SPARQL endpoint. Optionally configure a named graph with GRAPH.


GET /subjects

Returns a (possibly empty) array of JSKOS Concepts a record is indexed with. The special value null can be included as last array element to indicate that more subjects may exist.

Query parameters:

  • record - URIs of records, separated by |
  • scheme - URIs of concept schemes, separated by |. The default value * can be used to include all concept schemes.

This endpoint returns the same information as /occurrences endpoint with query parameter record and scheme (parameter member not set) but with different output format (JSKOS Concepts instead of Concept Occurrences).

GET /records

Returns an array of records with given subject.

Return format is experimental

Query parameters:

  • subjects - URI of a concept from supported vocabularies
  • limit - maximum number of records to return (10 by default)
  • format - return format (not supported yet)

GET /occurrences

Returns a (possibly empty) array of JSKOS Concept Occurrences. Depending on query parameters the result consists of:

  • the occurrence of a concept specified via member
  • the occurrence of concepts in a record specified via record
  • the co-occurrences of a concept specified via member in all records, when query parameter scheme is given

Occurrences contain deep links into K10plus catalog for selected vocabularies.

Query parameters:

  • member - URI of a concept from supported vocabularies
  • record - URI of a record
  • scheme - URI of a target concept scheme (when given, co-occurrences are returned; when value * is given, all supported target schemes are used)
  • threshold - a minimum threshold for co-occurrences to be included

There is a deprecated alias at /api to be removed soon.

GET /occurrences/voc

Alias for GET /voc to support clients that only know about Occurrences API by its base URL /occurrences.

GET /links

Not implemented yet, see #44.

Return a list if deep links into database to list all records indexed with a given concept.

Query parameters:

  • subject - URIs of a concepts

Return format:

JSON Array of objects, each with:

  • url
  • label (name of the database)
  • description (optional)

This endpoint returns the same information as /occurrences endpoint with query parameter subject instead of member but a different return format and no number of records.

GET /voc

Returns an array of supported vocabularies as JSKOS Concept Schemes.

There is a deprecated alias at /api/voc to be removed soon and a stable alias at /occurrences/voc.

GET /databases

Returns an array of supported databases. Return format is experimental.

GET /status

Returns information about the service. Return format is experimental.



PRs accepted against the dev branch.

Small note: If editing the README, please conform to the standard-readme specification.


MIT © 2022 Verbundzentrale des GBV (VZG)