
A Service which synchronizes Wordpress blog posts with MyCoRe mods objects. This is the server part. For visualization you can use the WordpressImporterGUI.

Development Server

Run mvn clean jetty:run to build the project and run a jetty web server.


The configuration should be present in the .wpimport/ directory of the executing user. There should be a config.json.

Example config.json

  "parts": {
    "test": {
      "blog": "https://verfassungsblog.de/",
      "repository": "http://localhost:8291/mir/",
      "parentObject": "mir_mods_00000001",
      "postTemplate": "verfassungsblog.template.xml"
  • blog - the url to the WordPress instance
  • repository - the url to the mycore instance
  • parentObject - the id of the object to which all blogpost will be appended
  • postTemplate - a file name or path relative to the .wpimport folder which contains a mods.xml template. Values of the post will be inserted using xpaths ( See also de.vzg.service.Post2ModsConverter)


To check which wordpress post already has a mycore object, all childen of the parentObject will be loaded with the mycore restapi and all posts will be loaded with the wordpress restapi. Then every post which url is not found in a mycore object can be imported.

To load all MyCoRe objects and posts the service needs like 30 minutes. So i decided to save them in a small json based file in the configuration folder and only update new ones. The files are named: mycoredb_$hostname.json and blogdb_$hostname.json