- 7
Pattern Matching
#63 opened by filonik - 0
AsyncIterable Module
#86 opened by waynevanson - 0
Iterable Module
#85 opened by waynevanson - 2
`Zipper` should have `toReadonlyArray`
#75 opened by SRachamim - 1
- 0
When having multiple 'fp-ts' libraries initialized - fp-ts-copntrib behaves in a weird way
#82 opened by roman-zaiats - 0
regex test is not pure
#74 opened by safareli - 4
Add W-variants to Do, e.g. bindLW
#64 opened by leemhenson - 0
Make `batchTraverse` pipe-able
#72 opened by SRachamim - 0
- 1
- 0
Expose modules without lib/es6 prefix
#67 opened by CYBAI - 4
Extend TaskOption from Alt1 to Alternative1
#61 opened by pbadenski - 7
Do with filter (if)
#51 opened by Gurimarukin - 1
Do supports destructuring binding
#48 opened by kgtkr - 0
Curated list of examples and solutions
#54 opened by gillchristian - 2
Feature request: Do#letL
#35 opened by kgtkr - 1
Implementing Existential Wrapper
#43 opened by theNerd247 - 2
- 5
Using Free in multiple files
#28 opened by jesuspc - 0
- 0
Implement sequenceS
#2 opened by sledorze