
An ESP8266 microcontroller that updates a tiny display at regular intervals with Twitter-like messages. Created for the parents' fridge

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


An ESP8266 microcontroller that updates a tiny display at regular intervals with Twitter-like messages. Created for the parents' fridge to keep them apprised of important developments or miscellaneous facts.

Parent Portal

The developer

An underemployed 31 year old physician assistant on a visit his parents.

The device

  • ESP8266 microcontroller, WeMos D1 mini clone. running Micropython v. 1.19.1
  • SSD1306 0.96" yellow/blue OLED screen by UCTRONICS
  • Breadboard and assorted jumper cables/connectors
  • USB powerbank
  • 2n2222a transistor with 1K and 100 ohm resistors to trick a standard USB powerbank into continuing to run.

Terrible Schematic