
My own collection of Packer+Vagrant templates.

Primary LanguageShell

Packer + Vagrant collection

  • With packer you could create a base vagrant box and then just get it up with Vagrant on Virtualbox or VMware!*


  • Install Virtualbox Just download from here

  • Install Vagrant Download and install from here

  • Install Packer Download and unzip Packer

Let's make Packer to work! Move to folder you downloaded this project and start

```packer build -force packer_{system OS}.json``` or use ```packer build --force --only=virtualbox-iso  packer_{system OS}.json```

Packer will start to build a MV and then will export it to convert it to a Vagrant box, take seat....

You could modify bash script in 'scripts' folder to install/configure your template Vagrant box.

When Packer job finish you could find a "{system OS}.box" inside the packer_output folder so move to the desired OS vagrant dir and get it up! Feel free of copy this folder where you are more confortable.

Then just vagrant up it and you could connect trough SSH: ssh vagrant@localhost:2222 / vagrant ssh for Linux guests or vagrant rdp for Windows guests

#####Other vagrant commands:

vagrant destroy and vagrant reload

vagrant halt ,vagrant suspend and vagrant resume

vagrant ssh, vagrant rdp, etc


  • Install Virtualbox Just download from here

  • Install Vagrant Download and install from here

  • Install Packer Download and unzip Packer in a folder of your choose and add it to your PATH executing:

    setx PATH "%PATH%;<path where you unzipped Packer>"

Let's make Packer to work! Move to folder you downloaded this project and start

```packer.exe build -force packer_{system OS}.json``` or use ```packer.exe build --force --only=virtualbox-iso  packer_{system OS}.json```

Packer will start to build a MV and then will export it to convert it to a Vagrant box, take seat....

You could tune bash script in 'scripts' folder to install/configure your template Vagrant box.

When Packer job finish you could find a "{system OS}.box" inside the packer_output folder so move to the desired OS vagrant dir and get it up! Feel free of copy this folder where you are more confortable.

Then just vagrant up it and you could connect trough SSH: ssh vagrant@localhost:2222 / vagrant ssh for Linux guests or vagrant rdp for Windows guests

#####Other vagrant commands:

vagrant destroy and vagrant reload

vagrant halt ,vagrant suspend and vagrant resume

vagrant ssh, vagrant rdp, etc

OK, so you need multiple VMs? No problem, just clone the vagrant/{OS} dir, change the port forwarding to avoid used ports a vagrant up another instance!

Note: Username: vagrant Password: vagrant
Note2: Modify Autounattend.xml to configure Windows updates before you create your box.
Note3: Vagrantfile are configured for Virtualbox Boxes, change it to desired
Bug 1: Centos7 image uses "Base" packages group untill Vagrant stop using 'ipconfig' and 'service' command to configure network interfaces. [This ticket] is not solving the problem (hashicorp/vagrant#4195)