HTTP.SYS with C++Builder

Primary LanguageJavaScript


HTTP.SYS with C++Builder

Depends on: https://github.com/gcardi/modified_mORMot.git

To be done the first time you run the program



netsh http add sslcert ipport={PORT} certhash={HASH-CERTIFICATE} appid={GUID}

HASH-CERTIFICATE: you have to get the one in the cert store (https://docs.microsoft.com/it-IT/dotnet/framework/wcf/feature-details/how-to-retrieve-the-thumbprint-of-a-certificate)

GUID: Any valid GUID can be used, as it will allow you to define the binding later.

PORT: Must be the same as the certificate binding (see below)

Example: netsh http add sslcert ipport= certhash=59ce83fa90fcc82538e0b532ef215284468d489f appid={8573a413-97b0-41de-a3a9-3787612050ed}

Launch the executable at least the first time as admin

Or type, for example:

netsh http add urlacl url=https://+:10443/ user=Everyone listen=yes delegate=yes

Then, to verify:

netsh http show urlacl 

If the ACL was entered, it should look something like this:

    URL prenotati           : https://+:10443/
        Utente: \Everyone
            In ascolto: Yes
            Delega: Yes
            SDDL: D:(A;;GA;;;WD)