
An audio spectrum analyzer for Windows written in C++ using the VCL framework

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A simple spectrum analyzer for Windows that uses FFTW

Getting Started

This is a simple Windows application written for RADStudio/C++Builder which, using the FFTW library, displays the spectrum of a signal from an audio device. The spectrum graph can be chosen between two modes: logarithmic (dB) or linear.

Figure 1


You need C++Builder 10.3.3 edition (e.g. the community edition) and FFTW DLLs.

You also need boost libraries (1.68.0) which you can easily install using GetIt.

Figure 2


After cloning the repository, you need to download the precompiled FFTW DLLs (both 32 and 64 bit versions).

Next you need to create a folder called FFTW in the project root. In turn, within the FFTW folder, two other folders must be created, respectively with the name fftw-3.3-dll32 and fftw-3.3-dll64. Now you will have to unzip the contents of the fftw-3.3.x-dll32.zip archive in the fftw-3.3-dll32 folder and the contents of the fftw-3.3.x-dll64.zip archive in the fftw-3.3-dll64 folder.

(note that 'x' in the name of the FFTW archive depends on the FFTW version you download)

For example:

E:\Prj\Spectrum>md FFTW

E:\Prj\Spectrum>cd FFTW

E:\Prj\Spectrum\FFTW>md fftw-3.3-dll32

E:\Prj\Spectrum\FFTW>md fftw-3.3-dll64

E:\Prj\Spectrum\FFTW>powershell Expand-Archive -Path %userprofile%\Downloads\fftw-3.3.x-dll32.zip -DestinationPath fftw-3.3-dll32

E:\Prj\Spectrum\FFTW>powershell Expand-Archive -Path %userprofile%\Downloads\fftw-3.3.x-dll64.zip -DestinationPath fftw-3.3-dll64

¦   +---fftw-3.3-dll32
¦   +---fftw-3.3-dll64
¦   +---Win32
¦   +---Win64

Depending on whether you have chosen to compile a 32 or 64 bit application, the build process will copy the appropriate DLL to the executable folder from the fftw-3.3-dll32 folder or from the fftw-3.3-dll64 folder using the following script saved in the Project Options' Build Events.

Figure 3

Figure 4


This project is licensed under the "MIT License".