Hello to whomever may be reading this. This is Caitlin Carbone and George Carvellas' Hackathon Submission.
-To setup the website on a localhost, follow these steps: 1. Download and Install https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html 2. Once you open XAMPP, start Apache and MySQL 3. Go to the folder C:\xampp\mysql\data 4. For the folder that says SQLDATA in the SpeedGaming file you downloaded, put the contents of that folder into the mysql data folder. 5. Put both the Speedgaming and Chatcord folder in this directory: C:\xampp\htdocs 6. Inside of C:\xampp\htdocs\SpeedGaming, open the install.bat once and once the file runs successfully (it automatically closes), delete install.bat 7. Everytime you start the server, make sure the following things are on: -Inside C:\xampp\htdocs\SpeedGaming, run startServer.bat and startVideo.bat -Inside XAMPP, make sure Apache and MySQL are on (green) 8. in your browser, enter the url: localhost/SpeedGaming
If you have any questions or inquiries, please email: gcarvel264@gmail.com
-George Carvellas and Caitlin Carbone