This is an image with k3s (, which is a compliant kubernetes implementation, packaged into a docker container using an Debian Image instead of the oficial scratch image.
Docker, docker-compose and openssl installed and working.
Clone this repository into your machine with the command
, access the folder created with cd k3s-docker
and use the docker-compose up -d
to finish the proccess.
After some time (usually a minute), you can see if all went good by running the command docker-compose ps
; if the status is Healthy
then you g2g.
You can check it using your local kubectl as well:
KUBECONFIG=./output/kubeconfig.yaml kubectl version
This image is based on Debian 10 making it more easily extendable. Additionally, I provide EXPOSE, VOLUMES and HEALTHCHECK implementations on Dockerfile, making this image suitable for CI; actually we use it to smoke tests for helm.
The main environment variables doesn't change from those in the oficial documentation:
, whom the most useful are:
Env Var | Description | Default Value |
K3S_TOKEN | Token for admin user. | Random using openssl. |
K3S_KUBECONFIG_OUTPUT | Path where k3s will put the Kubeconfig file. | /output/kubeconfig.yaml on the current dir. |
K3S_KUBECONFIG_MODE | POSIX permission for kubeconfig file. | 666: By default can be read and written by anyone. |
As this image is based on debian, you can create yours using some Dockerfile like the following (Eg):
FROM gcavalcante8808/k3s-docker
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install --no-install-recommmends -y nfs-utils cifs-utils ceph-fuse
COPY /usr/local/bin/entrypoint
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/entrypoint"]
If the latest image version (currently k8s 1.18) isn't suitable for your job, you can build your own version by changing K3S_VERSION
environment variable and using a docker-compose build
Author: Gabriel Abdalla Cavalcante Silva (