
Simple search command App that gives the possibility to find commands or store commands locally, this app will evolve even further as time pass.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

scmd (Search Command)

Simple search command App that gives the possibility to find commands or store commands locally, this app will evolve and have a web interface in the near future.

Release: 1.0.0 - (18-02-2023) Initial SCMD CLI & Web UI
Release: 1.0.1 - (19-02-2023) Recompiled with updated tardigrade-mod v0.2.0
Release: 1.0.2 - (26-02-2023) Minor cosmetic changes in the search UI
Release: 1.1.0 - (05-03-2023) Added binary upgrade option in the menu!
Release: 1.2.0 - (12-03-2023) Added option to specific what port to open the Web UI
Release: 1.3.0 - (19-03-2023) Added option to save or display functions also
Release: 1.3.1 - (26-03-2023) Check if command already exist + cosmetics
Release: 1.3.2 - (01-04-2023) Created the Help page and added search login.
Release: 1.3.3 - (05-04-2023) Minor cosmetics on help page (before annual leave).
Release: 1.3.5 - (29-08-2023) Added TLS capabilities for HTTPS.
Release: 1.3.6 - (09-09-2023) Added -block "DISABLES" add commands page.

Display this help menu

Usage: 	 scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --help

Opens the web UI with default Port: "3333"

Usage: 	 scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --web

Opens the Web UI with default Port: "3333" & "DISABLE" add commands

Usage:   scmd-win-x86_64(exe) --web -block

Opens the Web UI with alternative Port:

Usage: 	 scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --web -port [port]

Opens the Web UI with alternative Port: & "DISABLE" add commands

Usage:   scmd-win-x86_64(exe) --web -port [port] -block

Opens the web UI with alternative Port: (-service won't launch the browser)

Usage: 	 scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --web -port [port] -service

Starts SCMD without launching Web UI & "DISABLE" add commands

Usage:   scmd-win-x86_64(exe) --web -port [port] -service -block

Opens SSL Web UI with default Port: "3333"

Usage: 	 scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --ssl [certificate.pem] [privkey.pem]

Opens SSL Web UI with default Port: "3333" & "DISABLE" add commands

Usage:   scmd-win-x86_64(exe) --ssl [certificate.pem] [privkey.pem] -block

Opens SSL web UI with alternative Port:

Usage: 	 scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --ssl -port [port] [certificate.pem] [privkey.pem]

Opens SSL web UI with alternative Port: & "DISABLE" add commands

Usage:   scmd-win-x86_64(exe) --ssl -port [port] [certificate.pem] [privkey.pem] -block

Starts SCMD SSL without launching Web UI

Usage: 	 scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --ssl -port [port] -service [certificate.pem] [privkey.pem]

Starts SCMD SSL without launching Web UI & "DISABLE" add commands

Usage:   scmd-win-x86_64(exe) --ssl -port [port] -service [certificate.pem] [privkey.pem] -block

Show local and available scmd version

Usage: 	 scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --version

Create a copy for the commands database and save it in Home folder

Usage: 	 scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --copydb

Download all available commands database from online (override locally saved commands)

Usage: 	 scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --download

Download and upgrade the latest version of the scmd application binary

Usage: 	 scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --upgrade

Search command based on comma separated pattern(s)

Usage: 	 scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --search "patterns"

Save new command with description in the local database

Usage: 	 scmd-Linux-x86_64(exe) --save "command" "description"

This app is also enriched by utilising the "tardigrade-mod" database available for download from github.com

Build and compile scmd from source code will require

go get github.com/gcclinux/tardigrade-mod

* Download and Install - https://go.dev/dl/
* Download and Install - https://git-scm.com/downloads

$ git clone https://github.com/gcclinux/scmd.git
$ cd scmd/
$ go get github.com/gcclinux/tardigrade-mod
$ go build -o scmd-$(uname)-$(uname -m) *.go
$ scmd-$(uname)-$(uname -m) --help