updated: Sun 10 Sep 19:49:18 BST 2023
release: 1.0.2
Download: https://github.com/gcclinux/tardigrade/tree/main/bin
Current structure and available functions()
--upgrade "Check for newer version and upgrade the compiled application!"
--createdb "CREATE new database"
--copydb "CREATE backup (copy) of the database"
--deletedb "DELETE database"
--deletef "DELETE <id> specific row from database"
--search "SEARCH <Word(s)> <format> match all words and return results"
--selectf "SELECT <format> TOP row from database "
--selectl "SELECT <format> LAST row from database"
--selectfx "SELECT <number> <format> TOP rows from database"
--selectlx "SELECT <number> <format> LAST rows from database"
--selecti "SELECT <id> <format> return specific row from database"
--insert "INSERT <field one> <field two> for new entry"
--change "CHANGE <id> <field one> <field two> on existing row "
--total "SHOW number of entries in database"
--version "SHOW local (App) & (Mod) build version & date
CreateDB - This function will create a database file if it does not exist and return true | false
function: CreateDB()
bin/tardigrade-linux-x86_64 --createdb
DeleteDB - WARNING - this function delete the database file return true | false
function: DeleteDB()
bin/tardigrade-linux-x86_64 --deletedb
CreatedDBCopy creates a copy of the Database and store in UserHomeDir()
function: CreatedDBCopy()
bin/tardigrade-linux-x86_64 --copydb
AddField() function take in ((key)string, (Value) string) and add to database.
function: AddField()
bin/tardigrade-linux-x86_64 --insert "key free text" "value free text string"
CountSize() function will return number of rows in the database
function: CountSize()
bin/tardigrade-linux-x86_64 --total
FirstField func returns the first entry of gojsondb.db in all formats [ raw | json | id | key | value ] specify format required
function: FirstField()
bin/tardigrade-linux-x86_64 --selectf
LastField() func takes an id and returns the last entry in multi-format [ raw | json | id | key | value ]
function: LastField()
bin/tardigrade-linux-x86_64 --selectl
SelectByID func take an id and format and returns an entry string for a specific id in all formats [ raw | json | id | key | value ]
function: SelectByID()
bin/tardigrade-linux-x86_64 --selecti "id" "format"
FirstXFields returns last X number of entries from db in byte[] format
function: FirstXFields()
bin/tardigrade-linux-x86_64 --selectfx "id" "format"
LastXFields returns last X number of entries from db in values byte[] format
function: LastXFields()
bin/tardigrade-linux-x86_64 --selectlx "id" "format"
RemoveField function takes an unique field id as an input and remove the matching field entry
function: RemoveField()
bin/tardigrade-linux-x86_64 --deletef "id"
ModifyField function takes ID, Key, Value and update row = ID with new information provided
ModifyField(2, "Updated key", "Updated data set with new inforation")
bin/tardigrade-linux-x86_64 --change "id" "new key free text" "new value free text string"
SelectSearch function takes (comma, separated pattern(s)) and format if true returning byte[]
SelectSearch("pattern1,pattern2", "format")
bin/tardigrade-linux-x86_64 --search "pattern1,pattern2" "json"
RunUpgrade function will check release note for current version and then upgrade if required.
bin/tardigrade-linux-x86_64 --upgrade
Upgraded tardigrade-linux-x86_64 to latest version (1.0.0) ....
** release 0.0.1 - Initial version
** release 0.0.2 - Updated README.md and corrected some issues.
** release 0.0.3 - Modified to use structure method
** release 0.0.5 - External command input
** release 0.1.0 - Build the first binary
** release 0.1.1 - Fixed some issues
** release 0.1.2 - Added version for format to selectfx & selectlx
** release 0.1.3 - Added search function -search (pattern(s)), format.
** release 0.1.4 - Added upgrade option for supported systems
** release 0.1.5 - Bug fix storing string with encoder.SetEscapeHTML(false)
** release 1.0.0 - Initial major release CLI interface
** release 1.0.1 - Bug fix for file arch upgrade
** Create a WEB UI integrations