
A cryptocurrency trading bot to help you implement dollar-cost averaging (DCA) investment strategy automatically in FTX Pro exchange.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A cryptocurrency trading bot to help you implement dollar-cost averaging (DCA) investment strategy automatically in FTX Pro exchange.

This bot allows you to configure your portfolio and place limit buy orders to purchase crypto periodically in FTX Pro. It is similar to Auto-Invest Plan in Binance or 極速定投 in Pionex but with less fees.


Node v14+


npm install

How to use

You can use this project by following two different ways:

  1. run it manually once if you want.
  2. run it automatically at a recurring cycle on how often you want to buy crypto by deploying a cron-like serverless service on AWS.

How to run it manually

  1. create .env in root folder and configure your FTX api secrets.

    Warning: do not commit your secrets in .env to git

  2. configure portfolio and order parameters in parameters.js.

    • set crypto symbol and percentage you want to buy.
    • set how much you want to buy and stablecoin symbol that your preferred for payment.

    check out that file for more details.

  3. start the bot

    npm start

    the bot will start placing orders but only one time.

How to run it automatically at a recurring cycle

This project will deploy a cron-like serverless service running on AWS Lambda & EventBridge using Serverless Framework. The event scheduler created on AWS EventBridge will trigger our investment function which running on AWS Lambda at specific time or in specific intervals you configured.

  1. setup your Serverless Framework & AWS account

  2. configure your FTX api secrets in Serverless Dashboard parameters.

  3. configure order parameters in parameters.js.

  4. create event scheduler in serverless.yml which is used for configuring functions to be executed at specific time or in specific intervals.


      - schedule:
          rate: cron(0 0 ? * SAT *) # Invoke Lambda function every Saturday at 00:00:00 GMT
          enabled: true # set to false then re-deploy if you want to pause the bot

    Detailed information about cron expressions is available in official AWS docs.

  5. Deployment

    npm run deploy

    That’s it! Our investment function is running on a schedule, it will automatically be trigger at next scheduled time. You can also check out next 10 scheduled time on AWS EventBridge Admin.


  1. How to update order parameters after deploy?

    update parameters.js then run npm run deploy to redeploy.

  2. How to update FTX secretes?

    update it on serverless dashboard then redeploy.

  3. How to pause service on AWS?

    disable event scheduler by switching enabled flag to false in serverless.yml then redeploy.

  4. How to remove service/stop bot on AWS?

    npm run remove


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