Forkify - A Recipe Finding Web app

Link (Please try it out!)

Technology used

  • JavaScript ES6+ core features such as Class declearation, inheritance, Promise, Async/Await funcitons
  • NPM package manager
  • Parcle 2.0+ for bundling the applicaiton
  • Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture
  • Publisher/Subsciber pattern


Forkify is a recipe finding web application which uses data from the Forkify API ( This app provided a search funciton that can be used as a guide to find cooking recipes among over 1 million. Beyond accessing recipes from different sources online, it also provides information on the number and amount of ingredients needed to build a specific dish according to the number of people to serve. Users can bookmark their favourite recipes, and they can also add their own recipes in the app.



Screen shots

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